“When I started to attend Turning Point Academy about three years ago, I had already been a Muslim for a good seven years. However for the first few years of my life as a Muslim I lived in Germany and my knowledge was quite limited – there is no Turning Point Academy in Germany!!!! All I knew when I started to attend the sessions at Turning Point was the basics of the Arabic alphabet and a few short Surahs. I thought I would never be able to read the Qur’an in Arabic. But Masha’Allah due to effortless and patient teachers at Turning Point I have made steady progress and reading the Qur’an in Arabic does not seem so daunting anymore – Alhamdulillah. I am also on track with memorising the Qur’an and I feel more confident in my faith and how to practice it by listening to wonderful talks every week. Masha’Allah the best thing about Turning Point is that I can learn at my own pace with a teacher who shows patience and understanding and each week I feel encouraged to do a little bit more. What I did not know when I converted to Islam was how beautiful and supportive the sisterhood of our Deen is. Just to walk through the door on a Friday for the sessions and receive the first Salaams and smiles and big hugs from sisters makes me feel that Allah (SWT) has blessed me by letting me be a part of Turning Point Academy! Alhamdulillah.”