Namrita (Sikh revert)

“Unanswered questions was what brought me to Islam and a recommendation from a friend was what brought me to Turning Point Academy. I went along, slightly apprehensive as I did not know what to expect mainly because I did not know what I was looking for. Yes, I had questions…
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Ana (Portuguese revert)

“Alhamdulillah, there is only one word to describe the services provided by Turning Point Academy to new Muslim sisters: Amazing! Why Amazing?Turning Point Academy’s sessions provide support in learning how to pray and learning the Arabic alphabet leading on to reciting the Qur’an. It also provides a base for new…
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Sylwia (Polish revert)

“When I first came across Turning Point Academy it was when I was researching Islam out of my own choice. In one of the Mosques, I found a leaflet with TPA’s contact number. I rung and was informed about the classes running on Fridays. I wanted to go and meet…
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Ngozi (Nigerian revert)

“When you make a decision as fundamental and personal as reverting to Islam or as some would phrase it, ‘converting to Islam’, the emotional journey you are about to embark on is one which can present you with a number of challenges, but also an enlightenment which is so precious…
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Jenny (Bulgarian revert)

“I love being able to socialise and gain knowledge at the same time. Everyone is made to feel welcome at TPA no matter what your ethnicity, nationality or religious background is. My weeks fell pointless without Turning Point. Now, I try to attend all the classes. I hate it when…
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Rashika (Sri-Lankan revert)

“Turning Point Academy has been a great part of my life. As soon I was took my Shahadah, I had this feeling of ‘what now’? Turning point has helped me to fill that gap of helplessness and it’s a sense of community, where great sisters are now my friends. Amina…
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Amy (English revert)

“I really enjoy all that Turning Point Academy offers since I started going to their classes; really it’s a great opportunity to meet with other sisters who share the same desire to learn more about Islam. I would recommend the classes to any sister considering taking part in learning more…
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Hannah (Polish revert)

“The TPA sessions are very inspiring, it’s a great atmosphere and I always leave with extra knowledge. The staff are knowledgeable and the sessions are well-planned and organised.”

Avril (English revert)

“Turning Point Academy is truly unique. I embraced Islam as a religion and way of life seven years ago, and since then have attended many mosques, Islamic events and classes to further my knowledge and meet fellow Muslims. However, I had never experienced the sense of community that I now…
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Anthea (Jamaican revert)

“Turning point Academy is definitely a unique family type of program. TPA supported me when very few did, giving me the confidence to achieve great things. The love and care received makes you feel special, especially at a time when your world feels upside down with your new found faith.…
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Julianna (Hungarian revert)

“Allah led me to Islam about 10 years ago. I was very enthusiastic and learned a lot about the religion. I learned to read Arabic and the Qur’an. Not long after I got married, my life was so busy as I was studying in university and had two babies while…
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Michelle (Jamaican revert)

“I love attending TPA’s Friday sessions. I often arrive with all of life‘s stresses but by the end of the session I feel calm and peaceful. Thank you so very much. You have changed my life. May Allah reward you for all that you do. Ameen.”

Birgit (German revert)

“When I started to attend Turning Point Academy about three years ago, I had already been a Muslim for a good seven years. However for the first few years of my life as a Muslim I lived in Germany and my knowledge was quite limited – there is no Turning…
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Nayna (Hindu revert)

“My three favourite things about Turning Point Academy: the smiling faces, the eloquence of the teachers and the inspiring and informative lectures (and the food of course!)”

Vicky (English Revert)

“I enjoy attending the TPA sessions, as I love to learn Arabic and I also like to pray with my sisters…everyone is so kind and friendly.”

Angela (Italian/English revert)

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. It all started with a prayer… When I finally submitted and embraced Islam it was as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. The first few weeks in secret I was walking on air, until I told…
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Helen (English revert)

“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from Turning Point Academy. I was recommended to try the day sessions as they have a crèche for the children, so I could get a chance to study. The group is very welcoming and supportive and full of friendly faces. It’s not only…
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Ayako (Japanese revert)

“I am really happy that now I know Allah and Islam. I took my Shahadah at Turning Point Academy last year. Alhamudulillah. Sisters at Turning Point are very kind and helpful. I’ve learnt from them what Islam is and found many amazing things, which I had been seeking. No matter…
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Livia (Hungarian revert)

“I enjoy the Arabic sessions with excellent teachers as well as the talks, which cover brilliant topics. Additionally the crèche facility has been great, as I have a little one and without it, I would not have been able to learn Salaah and how to read Arabic. It’s great to…
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Rachel (English revert)

“I would describe Turning Point Academy (TPA) as a warm and friendly place, where everyone tries their utmost to make people feel welcome and included. As TPA is such a diverse community no one is made to feel like the odd one out. The knowledge and friendship that I have…
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Noura (Irish revert)

“Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem. I’m so grateful to my dear friend who invited me to Turning Point Academy. I’ve been attending the daytime sessions for almost two years now and I always look forward to each Friday approaching. The sessions are well organised with various teachers available to give advice and…
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Kim (Chinese revert)

“I joined Turning Point Academy in 2012 after a friend had told me about it. When I first arrived I was quite nervous but as soon as I saw all the sisters getting their coffees, sorting out the babies in the crèche ready to learn I felt very relaxed and…
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Aduele (Ghanaian revert)

“My first encounter with TPA was very surreal, I felt very nervous but was welcomed with friendly smiles and hugs, and made to feel completely at home. The sisters taught me Salaah first of all which came as a big relief as I had been trying to learn this alone…
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Francesca (Italian revert)

“Joining Turning Point Academy has been such a blessing. I don’t feel lonely anymore and I feel at peace. I have learnt how to pray Salaah and am now learning Arabic so that I can read the Qur’an in Arabic Insha-Allah. I’m so happy I now know the whole of…
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Humra (Jamaican revert)

“I took my Shahadah (conversion/reversion to Islam) at the age of 76 years on 16th March 2011 at the East London Mosque. Since then I have attended a few circles for New Muslims but I realised that I was not gaining the necessary knowledge that I needed to be a…
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