“When you make a decision as fundamental and personal as reverting to Islam or as some would phrase it, ‘converting to Islam’, the emotional journey you are about to embark on is one which can present you with a number of challenges, but also an enlightenment which is so precious and fulfilling naturally, but can become even more when supported by an organisation such as ‘Turning Point Academy’. In fear of doing ‘Turning Point Academy’ a disservice in writing my testimonial, I will try to be as honest as possible in as few words as possible. I came from a very strict Catholic background and explored many different Christian denominations, including non-Christian faiths such as Buddhism. When I came to Islam, I realised I had now come back home, but the journey was to be far from easy.

I would say I have a very busy lifestyle, not more than an average person, but I live a very active life, I run a business of my own as well as work 9 – 5 as a NHS contractor and travel a great deal out of the country. Despite my commitments I have never visited anywhere in the world and come across a more sincere, a more authentic and a more friend and family orientated organisation such as Turning Point. Never once have I been made to feel pressurised to be more than who I am, or to commit to more than I could. With this, ‘Turning Point Academy’ found a home in my heart, to which I will always keep close.

As a young woman there are some things in this world today you cannot learn unless you are very blessed or in the right place at the right time. Turning Point has taught me true sisterhood, commitment, love and freedom. Be it the warm smiles that greet you at the door, or the gentle embrace you are showered with from fellow sisters. There are soft unspoken words of trust, which need not be said when you come to Turning Point, because when you look at one another, you will see you. Somehow, we all just know what one another is going through, and Turning point walks with you or perhaps runs with you, if you are like me.”