“When I first came across Turning Point Academy it was when I was researching Islam out of my own choice. In one of the Mosques, I found a leaflet with TPA’s contact number. I rung and was informed about the classes running on Fridays. I wanted to go and meet the women but was at the same time scared that they may put pressure on me becoming a Muslim, wearing the veil, etc. I decided I would go and if I feel uncomfortable or judged, I would just leave. I was surprised by warm welcome. I attended classes and made new friends. The level of presented information is high as the teachers are all professionals. From my own experience, TPA is a place where true Islam is being presented in a way that is easy for new Muslims and those who want to learn more about the Religion. It is a place where sisters can find support and get their questions answered. We are not judged there and are given time to make our own decisions. TPA is a place where no one is telling us what we should be doing. The choice is left for us alone, what we are given is the information and the advice. Being a new Muslim may be difficult when this journey is taken by the person alone. We do need support from other people. We new Muslims are like babies learning how to walk. After the first few steps, we fall, and need someone to be there who will help us to keep the balance until we can walk ourselves.”